Shafted is a French romantic comedy series coming to Netflix on January 24, 2025. The show follows four middle-aged male friends as they navigate love, life, and careers in modern-day Paris.
The series uses humor to explore how society’s views on gender roles and male privilege impact their personal and professional lives.
With themes of friendship, love, and self-discovery, Shafted offers a lighthearted yet thoughtful look at the challenges faced by men in today’s changing world.
Where Was Shafted Filmed?
Shafted was filmed in Paris, France. Known as the City of Light, Paris is a global symbol of romance, culture, and beauty.
Paris, France
Paris is famous for its rich history and stunning landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and the Louvre Museum. Its narrow, winding streets are lined with charming cafes, unique shops, and art galleries, making it a picturesque setting for a romantic comedy.
The vibrant atmosphere of Paris adds life to the series, capturing the city’s iconic beauty and unique blend of old-world charm and modern energy. The River Seine, which flows through the heart of the city, offers breathtaking views and contributes to the romantic feel of the show.
When Did the Filming of Shafted Take Place?
Filming for Shafted took place in 2024, with scenes shot at various locations throughout Paris. The city’s famous streets and landmarks play a key role in setting the tone and atmosphere of the series.
Official Trailer
Q: What is Shafted about?
A: The series follows four middle-aged friends in Paris as they navigate relationships, careers, and the challenges of modern society.
Q: Who are the main characters?
A: The show focuses on four male friends. While their names have not been revealed, the series explores their personal and professional lives in a humorous way.
Q: Why was Paris chosen as a filming location?
A: Paris’s romantic and vibrant atmosphere makes it the perfect backdrop for the story, adding charm and character to the series.
Q: When will Shafted be available to watch?
A: Shafted will premiere on Netflix on January 24, 2025.