Harbin is a 2024 South Korean biographical period drama film directed by Woo Min-ho, starring Hyun Bin as Ahn Jung-geun, the Korean independence activist who, in 1909, assassinated Itō Hirobumi, the first Prime Minister of Japan.
The film is set in early 20th-century Harbin, China, and explores the courage and determination of Korean independence activists fighting against Japanese colonial rule.
The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 8, 2024, and has garnered praise for its gripping story and historical accuracy.
Where Was Harbin Filmed?
Despite being set in Harbin, China, Harbin was filmed primarily in South Korea, Latvia, and Mongolia.
Latvia, a country in Northern Europe. Latvia is located on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, bordering Estonia to the north and Lithuania to the south.
Latvia’s well-preserved historical architecture and atmospheric streets provided an excellent backdrop for recreating early 20th-century Harbin.
The production team utilized Latvia’s scenic locations to authentically depict the period setting while maintaining a high level of historical detail.
When Did Filming Take Place?
Filming for Harbin Filming begins November 20, 2022. The filmmakers carefully selected locations in Latvia to ensure they could accurately portray the historical and cultural context of the story.
Official Trailer
Q: What is Harbin about?
A: The film follows the story of Ahn Jung-geun, a Korean independence activist who assassinated Itō Hirobumi, the first Prime Minister of Japan, in 1909. The story highlights the struggles of Korean activists fighting against Japanese colonial rule.
Q: Where was Harbin filmed?
A: Although set in Harbin, China, the film was primarily shot in Latvia, which provided a fitting historical backdrop for the early 1900s setting.
Q: When did filming for Harbin take place?
A: Filming took place in 2022, with Latvia serving as the main filming location.
Q: Did the filmmakers visit Harbin, China, for the production?
A: While the film is set in Harbin, China, the production team opted to film in Latvia due to its architectural and historical similarities to the early 20th-century aesthetic required for the movie.