Hollywood Squares is a classic game show returning to CBS in 2025 with a fresh twist. Hosted by Nate Burleson, the show features two contestants competing in a game of tic-tac-toe against a grid of celebrities. Each celebrity answers trivia questions, and contestants must decide if their answers are correct to win squares and create three in a row.
Adding to the excitement, Drew Barrymore takes the center square, bringing her star power and charm to the game. With cash and prizes at stake, the revived Hollywood Squares promises fun, humor, and a nostalgic yet modern take on the beloved format.
Where Was Hollywood Squares Filmed?
Hollywood Squares was filmed at the renowned CBS Television City in Los Angeles, California.
Filming Location: CBS Television City
Address: CBS Television City
7800 Beverly Boulevard, Fairfax
Los Angeles, California, USA
About the Location
CBS Television City is one of the most famous television studio complexes in the world. Built in 1952, the facility spans 23 acres and is equipped with 13 soundstages, 19 production offices, and a variety of additional amenities. Located in the Fairfax District of Los Angeles, it has been the backdrop for numerous iconic television shows, such as:
- The Late Late Show with James Corden
- The Bold and the Beautiful
- The Young and the Restless
The complex has also been home to classics like I Love Lucy and The Tonight Show, which stars Johnny Carson. Its state-of-the-art facilities make it an ideal location for producing a high-energy show like Hollywood Squares.
Q: When Was Hollywood Squares Filmed?
A: Filming for this latest version of Hollywood Squares took place in July 2024 at CBS Television City.
Q: When does the Hollywood Squares premiere?
A: Hollywood Squares premieres on CBS on January 9, 2025, airing Thursday nights for three weeks before moving to its regular Wednesday night timeslot.
Q: How long did it take to film season two?
A: Filming for season two lasted six months in 2024, with 12 projects completed during this time.