Chad Powers is a new comedy series set to debut on Hulu. Created by Glen Powell and Michael Waldron, the show stars Powell in the lead role, alongside an impressive cast that includes Steve Zahn, Toby Huss, Perry Mattfeld, Clayne Crawford, Wynn Everett, Frankie A. Rodriguez, Colton Ryan, Keese Wilson, Xavier Mills, and Quentin Plair.
The series follows the story of Russ Holliday, a talented college quarterback whose career hits a major setback due to bad behavior. Forced to reinvent himself, Russ adopts a new identity as “Chad Powers” and joins a struggling Southern football team. With his charm and skills, Chad becomes a pivotal figure on the team, leading to comedic and heartfelt moments.
Chad Powers is inspired by a character Eli Manning portrayed for Eli’s Places. The series received its official green light from Hulu in February 2024.
Where Was Chad Powers Filmed?
Filming for Chad Powers began in late August 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia. Early scenes were shot at various locations across the city, with notable footage capturing Glen Powell, who plays the titular character, donning a long, shaggy blonde wig, a prosthetic nose, and some scruff to complete his unrecognizable transformation.
One of the standout locations for the series is Center Parc Stadium, a well-known venue in Atlanta. Behind-the-scenes photos shared by the official Chad Powers Instagram page showcased the cast and crew working hard to bring the comedic story to life, giving fans a sneak peek of the production.
In addition to Center Parc Stadium, the show filmed an exciting sequence during a University of Georgia football game at Dooley Field. This scene was captured during halftime of a matchup against Mississippi State. The filming featured Glen Powell, in full Chad Powers disguise, leading the football team onto the field.
The show’s official Instagram page shared some behind-the-scenes moments with fans. It also announced the start of filming with a post captioned: “First day on set 🏈 #ChadPowers“
Center Parc Stadium was a part of the filming the information is shared by the Atlanta filming Instagram page with the caption, “Chad Powers filmed here all last week.”