Going Dutch is an American television sitcom that premiered on Fox on January 2, 2025. It stars Denis Leary as Colonel Patrick Quinn, an arrogant, loudmouth U.S. Army Colonel who is reassigned to the Netherlands as punishment for an unfiltered rant.
There, he is placed in command of the least important army base in the world, which is notable for its Michelin Star-commissary, top-notch bowling alley, lavender-infused laundry, and the best (and only) fromagerie in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Quinn is surrounded by a diverse group of underdogs, and he tries to reinstate military discipline and professionalism with the help of the base’s previous interim leader, who just happens to be his estranged daughter.
Where Was Going Dutch Filmed?
Although the series is set in the Netherlands, Going Dutch was filmed entirely in Ireland.
Irish Army Base
The primary filming location for the series was a real Irish Army base. This location provided the authentic military setting needed for Garrison Stroopsdorf, the fictional base where the story unfolds.
The base’s rustic charm and well-preserved structures served as the perfect stand-in for the quirky, low-priority military outpost depicted in the series. The choice of an Irish Army base added a layer of realism to the show’s backdrop while also supporting its comedic tone.
When Did the Filming of Going Dutch Take Place?
Filming for Going Dutch occurred in 2024, showcasing the beauty and versatility of Ireland’s locations for a sitcom set in the Netherlands.
Official Trailer
Q: Where was Going Dutch filmed?
A: The series was filmed entirely in Ireland, using a real Irish Army base as the primary location.
Q: Is the show actually set in Ireland?
A: No, the series is set in the Netherlands, but Ireland was used as the filming location.
Q: Why was Ireland chosen for filming?
A: The Irish Army base provided an authentic military backdrop, making it an ideal location for the fictional Garrison Stroopsdorf.
Q: When did Going Dutch premiere?
A: The series premiered on January 2, 2025, on Fox.