Grosse Pointe Garden Society is NBC’s new drama series that follows four members of a suburban garden club who are connected by a dark secret. The show stars AnnaSophia Robb, Melissa Fumero, Aja Naomi King, and Ben Rappaport. It is written and produced by Jenna Bans and Bill Krebs, the creators of the hit show Good Girls.
This gripping drama is set in the beautiful community of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, but where was it actually filmed? Let’s find out!
Where Was Grosse Pointe Garden Society Filmed?
Although the series is set in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, the actual filming took place in Atlanta, Georgia, specifically at Assembly Studios in Doraville, Georgia.
Atlanta, Georgia
- Atlanta served as the primary filming location for the show.
- Most of the indoor and outdoor scenes, including those depicting the garden club and suburban settings, were shot at Assembly Studios in Doraville, a well-known production facility, according to NCB.
The studio and surrounding areas provided the ideal locations to create the charming yet mysterious atmosphere of Grosse Pointe.
Director Maggie Kiley shared an image via her Instagram about starting off the filming in Atlanta.
Official Trailer
Q: Where was the Grosse Pointe Garden Society filmed?
A: Grosse Pointe Garden Society was filmed in Atlanta, Georgia, at Assembly Studios in Doraville.
Q: Why wasn’t it filmed in Michigan?
A: While the story is set in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, the production team chose Atlanta for its state-of-the-art facilities and versatile filming locations.
Q: When does the Grosse Pointe Garden Society premiere?
A: Grosse Pointe Garden Society premieres on Sunday, February 23, 2025, at 10/9c on NBC and streams the next day on Peacock.
Q: How many episodes are in Grosse Pointe Garden Society first season?
A: Grosse Pointe Garden Society season one will have 12 episodes.
Q: Where can I stream the Grosse Pointe Garden Society online?
A: Grosse Pointe Garden Society will be available to stream on Peacock the day after they air on NBC.