Round the Decay is a 2025 horror film written, directed, and produced by Adam Newman. The story follows a young woman who returns to Newport’s Valley, the place where her engagement ended. On the outside, Newport’s Valley seems like a nice, peaceful town for tourists. But beneath its charming appearance, the town hides a dark and scary secret.
As the woman looks into the town’s past, she discovers something horrifying that could destroy the entire community. The film deals with themes like trauma, loss, and how darkness can grow in places that seem perfect on the outside. It mixes folk horror and psychological thriller elements, creating a creepy and tense feeling throughout.
Where Was Round the Decay Filmed?
Round the Decay was filmed in New Hampshire primarily in Waterville Valley. Various outdoor and indoor scenes are filmed in Waterville Valle. Ruggles Mine of Grafton was another notable location in the film where some prominent scenes were filmed.
Waterville Valley, New Hampshire
Waterville Valley sits in the central part of New Hampshire, surrounded by the stunning natural beauty of the White Mountain National Forest. The town itself is nestled within a valley, providing beautiful views of the mountains and dense forests.
Ruggles Mine, Grafton, New Hampshire
Ruggles Mine served as another major filming location in the movie and is prominently featured in the film.
Adam Newman, the director of the film shared some fun images via his Instagram during the filming, captioned “Throwback to when we were scouting Ruggles Mine for @round_the_decay
Make sure you take your movie-making very, very seriously.”