My Family is a heartfelt Netflix series that premiered on February 19, 2025. Starring Eduardo Scarpetta and Massimiliano Caiazzo, the series tells the moving story of a father preparing his family for life without him.
This beautiful story was brought to life in stunning locations across Rome, Italy. Here’s a look at the places where My Family was filmed.
Where Was My Family Filmed?
My Family was filmed entirely in the historic city of Rome, which perfectly captured the emotional and intimate moments of the story. Rome’s timeless beauty and iconic landmarks serve as the backdrop, making the series visually stunning and deeply poignant.
Pons Cestius (Ponte San Bartolomeo)
Pons Cestius was one of the most recognizable locations featured in the series, an ancient Roman bridge that connects the right bank of the Tiber River to Tiber Island. This historic site adds a sense of timelessness to the series.
Although much of the bridge was reconstructed in the 19th century, it remains a symbol of connection and resilience — a fitting metaphor for the series themes of family and love.
Q: Where was My Family filmed?
A: The series was filmed in Rome, Italy, with key scenes shot at the Pons Cestius (Ponte San Bartolomeo).
Q: Why was Rome chosen as the filming location?
A: Rome’s historic landmarks and beautiful scenery provided a perfect backdrop for the emotional and heartwarming story of My Family.
Q: What themes does My Family explore?
A: The series delves into themes of love, family, loss, and the importance of coming together during difficult times.
Q: Where can I stream My Family?
A: You can stream My Family on Netflix.