No Address is a powerful drama directed by Julia Verdin, set to release on February 28, 2025. Starring William Baldwin, Isabella Ferreira, and Ashanti, the film follows a group of people who fall into homelessness and band together to survive on the streets.
As they face the harsh realities of life on the streets, they deal with challenges such as gang harassment, an unforgiving community, and local authorities. No Address sheds light on the struggles faced by homeless individuals and aims to make a social impact by donating a portion of its proceeds to organizations supporting the homeless community.
Where Was No Address Filmed?
The filming of No Address took place in Sacramento, California, USA. Sacramento was chosen as the backdrop for the film due to its urban setting, which complements the story’s gritty portrayal of homelessness and the challenges faced by those living on the streets. The city’s streets and alleyways serve as a backdrop to the characters’ journey, offering an authentic atmosphere for the film’s tough narrative.
Sacramento, California offers a combination of urban and suburban environments, making it an ideal location to portray both the harshness of life on the streets and the divide between different social classes. The city is known for its rich history and government presence, but it also faces significant issues related to homelessness, which made it a fitting location for the story of No Address.
Q: What is No Address about?
A: No Address follows a group of people who fall into homelessness and must band together to survive on the streets, facing threats from gangs, the community, and local authorities.
Q: Where was No Address filmed?
A: The film was filmed in Sacramento, California, USA. The city provided an authentic setting for the story of survival and homelessness.
Q: When is the release date for No Address?
A: No Address is scheduled to be released on February 28, 2025.
Q: Is No Address based on true events?
A: Yes, No Address is inspired by true events and seeks to raise awareness about the struggles faced by homeless individuals.
Q: Will any proceeds from the film go to charity?
A: Yes, a portion of the film’s proceeds will be donated to non-profit organizations that support the homeless community.