A Carpenter Christmas Romance is a heartwarming holiday film that aired on Lifetime on December 21, 2024. The story follows Andrea Metcalf, a novelist who visits her family’s farmhouse in the small town of Wildwood to find inspiration for her next book. While there, she reconnects with Seth Ferguson, a talented carpenter working to rebuild the town after a terrible fire.
As Andrea and Seth work together to bring back the town’s Christmas cheer, they grow closer. Their shared love for Christmas sparks a strong connection, and soon, romance blossoms between them. Set in a cozy winter town with beautiful decorations and Christmas magic, the movie celebrates love, community, and teamwork.
A Carpenter Christmas Romance is the perfect holiday film for the whole family. It’s a feel-good story about second chances and the power of coming together for a good cause.
Where Was A Carpenter Christmas Romance Filmed?
A Carpenter Christmas Romance was filmed in Los Angeles, California. The city offered a perfect setting for this romantic holiday story.
Famous locations were turned into cozy Christmas scenes, giving the film a warm, festive feel. Los Angeles’ lively atmosphere added extra charm to the movie, making it a unique mix of holiday magic and city life. The film beautifully captures the spirit of love and Christmas in an urban setting.
Official Trailer
Q: Where was A Carpenter Christmas Romance filmed?
A: The movie was filmed in Los Angeles, California, using the city’s versatile locations to create a cozy holiday atmosphere.
Q: When did A Carpenter Christmas Romance premiere?
A: The movie premiered on Lifetime on December 21, 2024, just in time for the holiday season.
Q: What is the story of A Carpenter Christmas Romance about?
A: The film follows Andrea Metcalf, a novelist who reconnects with carpenter Seth Ferguson in the small town of Wildwood. Together, they help rebuild the town after a fire while rediscovering love and Christmas spirit.
Q: Who stars in A Carpenter Christmas Romance?
A: The movie stars Andrea Metcalf and Seth Ferguson, showcasing their journey of love and teamwork during the holidays.