The 2022 film A Priceless Love is a heartwarming romantic comedy that follows Rose McGovern, the owner of a secondhand store. When she discovers that one of her items, an antique teapot, is actually worth $80,000, she finds herself in the sights of an ambitious antique broker, Joe Everett. However, Rose refuses to sell the teapot until she can find its original owner.
As she embarks on a quest to reunite the teapot with its rightful owner, Rose and Joe find themselves drawn to each other. The film explores themes of love, friendship, and the importance of family heirlooms. It features a cast of talented actors, including Erin Agostino, Luke Humphrey, and Connie Wang.
Where Was A Priceless Love Filmed?
A Priceless Love was filmed entirely in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, showcasing some of the city’s most unique spots.
The Pale Blue Dot, Hamilton, Ontario
The Pale Blue Dot is a store in Hamilton. It serves as the primary filming location in the film and This address features The SecondHand Rose Vintage Shop, a lovely boutique that serves as a pivotal location for several important scenes in the film.
This store located at 240 James Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. According to their official website, it ” provides natural, ethical, human & earth-friendly products and inspires slow, conscious, low-waste living.
Ferrie Street West, Hamilton, Ontario
The Yellow House in the above image is filmed at the yellow-clapboard home on Ferrie Street West, just off Bay Street North, last week. This location serves as Vicky the Teapot Garden Lady’s home.
425 Bay Street North, Hamilton, Ontario
This house, hosting a moving yard sale, becomes a significant setting for one of the movie’s heartfelt moments, emphasizing the theme of finding beauty in unexpected places.
Q: Where was A Priceless Love filmed?
A: The movie was filmed in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Q: Where is SecondHand Rose Vintage Shop in real?
A: SecondHand Rose Vintage Shop in reality is a store named The Pale Blue Dot located in 240 James Street North, Hamilton, Ontario.
Q: When was A Priceless Love filmed?
A: The filming took place in 2024.
Q: Are the locations featured in the film open to the public?
A: Yes, many of the locations, such as The Pale Blue Dot and SecondHand Rose Vintage Shop, are real places that fans can visit.