A Thousand Blows Filming Locations (2025)

A Thousand Blows is an upcoming British drama series created by Steven Knight. The show delves into the story of the Forty Elephants, a notorious all-female crime syndicate in London during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This twelve-episode series premiered at the BFI London Film Festival on October 11, 2024, and is set to debut on Disney+ on February 21, 2025.

Where Was A Thousand Blows Filmed?

A Thousand Blows Filming Locations
A Thousand Blows Filming Locations

The series was filmed in London, England, a city renowned for its rich history and iconic architecture, which made it the perfect backdrop for this historical drama. London’s historic streets and landmarks provided an authentic setting to bring the story of the Forty Elephants to life.

A Thousand Blows Filming Locations
A Thousand Blows Filming Locations

London, England

London is one of the world’s most popular filming locations, offering a mix of historical charm and modern sophistication.

A Thousand Blows Filming Locations
A Thousand Blows Filming Locations

The city’s versatile architecture, ranging from historic sites like the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace to modern landmarks such as the London Eye, allows filmmakers to create various settings. For A Thousand Blows, the production focused on areas that reflect the late 19th and early 20th centuries, capturing the essence of the time period.

A Thousand Blows Filming Locations
A Thousand Blows Filming Locations

The city’s vibrant neighborhoods, cobbled streets, and period-accurate buildings served as the ideal backdrop for depicting the rise and influence of the Forty Elephants gang. London’s rich cultural history and atmospheric settings added depth and authenticity to the series.

A Thousand Blows Filming Locations
A Thousand Blows Filming Locations

When Did the Filming of A Thousand Blows Take Place?

Principal photography for A Thousand Blows began in March 2023 in London, England. The production team utilized various historic locations across the city to faithfully recreate the late Victorian and early Edwardian eras.

A Thousand Blows Filming Locations
A Thousand Blows Filming Locations


1. What is A Thousand Blows about?
The series explores the story of the Forty Elephants, a notorious all-female London crime syndicate specializing in shoplifting during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

2. Where was A Thousand Blows filmed?
The series was filmed entirely in London, England, which provided an authentic and historical setting for the drama.

3. When is the release date for A Thousand Blows?
The series is set to premiere on Disney+ on February 21, 2025.

4. How many episodes does A Thousand Blows have?
The series consists of twelve episodes.

5. Why was London chosen as the filming location?
London’s rich history, diverse architecture, and iconic landmarks made it the perfect setting to depict the historical narrative of A Thousand Blows. The city’s authentic period locations brought the story to life.

A Thousand Blows | Official Trailer | Hulu

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