Christmas in Evergreen Filming Locations (2017)

Christmas in Evergreen is a beloved Hallmark holiday movie series that began with the first installment in 2017.

The movie is about a veterinarian named Allie Shaw who lives in the small fictional town of Evergreen, Vermont.

She wishes upon a snow globe that this will be her most romantic Christmas ever. Her wish comes true when she meets Ryan Bellamy, a handsome stranger who is also stuck in town due to a snowstorm.

The series includes several sequels, such as Christmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa (2018), Christmas in Evergreen: Tidings of Joy (2019), and Christmas in Evergreen: Bells Are Ringing (2020).

Where Was Christmas in Evergreen Filmed?

While the story is set in Vermont, the filming locations are in British Columbia, Canada. The charming towns and wintery landscapes provide the perfect holiday atmosphere for the series.

Clayburn Village, British Columbia

Christmas in Evergreen filmed In Clayburn Village
Clayburn Village (Image: Google Map)

Clayburn Village, located in Abbotsford, provided the perfect small-town charm for Christmas in Evergreen.

This historic village, built in the early 1900s, features quaint brick houses and picturesque streets that fit seamlessly into the film’s Christmas setting. The area’s timeless aesthetic makes it a favorite spot for Hallmark holiday movies.

Pitt Meadows, British Columbia

Christmas in Evergreen filmed at Hoppcott Farms Pitt Meadows
Hoppcott Farms Pitt Meadows (Image: Hallmark)

Hoppcott Farms in Pitt Meadows was one of the notable locations in the film that provided the backdrop for some of the movie’s rural scenes.

This family-run farm is known for its open fields and scenic beauty, which were used to capture the holiday spirit in outdoor shots.

Burnaby, British Columbia

Christmas in Evergreen filmed at Burnaby Village Museum
Burnaby Village Museum (Image: Hallmark)

The film features Deer Lake Park, which is a picturesque location in Burnaby that features stunning natural scenery, including serene walking trails and frozen lakes in the winter. It was used for outdoor scenes to give Evergreen a cozy, wintry feel.

Another notable location of Burnaby was the Burnaby Village Museum. This museum, known for preserving the look and feel of a 1920s village, played a crucial role in Christmas in Evergreen. Its authentic buildings and vintage charm added depth and authenticity to the town of Evergreen, making it one of the most memorable locations in the movie.

Vancouver, British Columbia

The bustling city of Vancouver served as a base for some additional scenes. Vancouver is a popular hub for filming Hallmark movies due to its versatility and access to top-notch production facilities.

Langley, British Columbia

Langley, known for its lush landscapes and welcoming community, was another key filming location. Its scenic streets and buildings were transformed into parts of Evergreen, adding to the movie’s warm and festive atmosphere.

FAQ about Christmas in Evergreen

Q: Is Evergreen a real town?
A: No, Evergreen is a fictional town created for the movie. However, it was brought to life using real locations in British Columbia, Canada.

Q: Can I visit the locations from the movie?
A: Yes! Many of the filming locations, such as Burnaby Village Museum and Clayburn Village, are open to visitors and can be explored year-round.

Q: Why was British Columbia chosen as the filming location?
A: British Columbia offers beautiful scenery, a variety of settings, and tax incentives that make it a top choice for filmmakers, especially Hallmark productions.

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