Home Sweet Christmas is a heartwarming holiday movie from The Great American Family. Directed by Paula Elle and written by Kevin Commins and Robin Dunne, the movie stars Claudia Absi, Candace Cameron Bure, and Luke Daley. It’s a story about family, community, and rediscovered love, perfect for the holiday season. The movie premiered on December 1, 2024.
Where was Home Sweet Christmas Filmed?
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Victoria was the main filming location. Its stunning views and cozy buildings helped bring the movie’s story of connection and holiday spirit to life.
- Downtown Victoria
Many scenes were filmed in downtown Victoria, where Sophie returns to her hometown. The area was decorated with Christmas lights and looked festive, spreading holiday cheer. - Maple Forest Area
The property Sophie inherits, surrounded by maple trees, was filmed in the peaceful forests near Victoria. These scenes showed the magical and calm beauty of the place, reflecting the special connection between Sophie and Sam and the land they love. - Historic Houses and Local Shops
Some parts of the movie were filmed in Victoria’s historic homes and charming local shops. These locations helped make the story feel warm and real.
Home Sweet Christmas Other Locations
Apart from the above-mentioned places, you can also watch a clip or footage of Downtown Los Angeles, Los Angeles skating which is also shown at the beginning of the trailer of the film as you can see in the image above
When Did the Filming of Home Sweet Christmas Take Place?
Filming for Home Sweet Christmas took place in the spring of 2024. The production team turned Victoria into a winter wonderland, using fake snow and holiday decorations to create a Christmas atmosphere.
Home Sweet Christmas Behind The Scenes
To make your journey to the filming details of Great American Family’s movie Home Sweet Christmas more interesting and joyful, we’ve discovered some behind-the-scenes photos from the set which you can see below:-
On August 23, 2024, child star Roman Kinsella who plays the role of Young Sam in Home Sweet Christmas movie shared a behind-the-scenes photo on his social media account (Instagram), as you can see here:-
Here are some other behind-the-scene photos:-
The cast and crew had a great time filming Home Sweet Christmas. Claudia Absi shared fun moments with her co-stars, and director Paula Elle made sure each scene was full of holiday warmth. The friendly community in Victoria made the filming process enjoyable and smooth.
The movie needed someone other than Cameron Mathison! No chemistry! Don’t like his bearded scrubble