In the Lost Lands Filming Locations (2025)

In the Lost Lands is an upcoming epic fantasy film directed by Paul W. S. Anderson, based on a short story by George R. R. Martin. Starring Milla Jovovich, Dave Bautista, and Arly Jover, the film follows the story of Gray Alys, a powerful witch tasked with granting a queen’s dangerous wish, which leads her into a mysterious and perilous world known as the Lost Lands.

The movie features breathtaking visuals and fantastical landscapes that transport viewers into its magical universe. Let’s explore the filming locations that brought In the Lost Lands to life.

Where Was In the Lost Lands Filmed?

In the Lost Lands Filming Locations
Alvernia Studios

The majority of the filming for In the Lost Lands took place at Alvernia Studios, located near Kraków in the Małopolskie region of Poland. This state-of-the-art studio was chosen for its advanced facilities, which allowed the production team to create the intricate fantasy world of the Lost Lands.

In the Lost Lands Filming Locations
Alvernia Studios

Alvernia Studios is renowned for its cutting-edge technology and has previously hosted numerous international productions. The studio’s large sound stages and green screen capabilities were instrumental in bringing the film’s magical and otherworldly settings to life.

In the Lost Lands Filming Locations
Alvernia Studios

When Did the Filming of In the Lost Lands Take Place?

Principal photography began on November 14, 2022, and concluded in February 2023, after a 46-day shoot. The production utilized Alvernia Studios extensively to craft its fantastical landscapes and thrilling action sequences.

Official Trailer

In the Lost Lands Trailer #1 (2025)


Q: Where was In the Lost Lands filmed?
A: The movie was filmed at Alvernia Studios, located near Kraków in the Małopolskie region of Poland.

Q: What In the Lost Lands in about?
A: In the Lost Lands tells the story of Gray Alys, a witch sent by a queen to a perilous world to grant a wish with unforeseen consequences.

Q: Who stars In the Lost Lands?
A: The film stars Milla Jovovich, Dave Bautista, and Arly Jover.

Q: When was In the Lost Lands Filmed?
A: Filming for In the Lost Lands began on November 14, 2022, and wrapped up in February 2023.

Q: What role did Alvernia Studios play in the production?
A: Alvernia Studios provided the sound stages, advanced technology, and production facilities needed to create the film’s immersive fantasy settings.

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