Interior Chinatown Filming Locations (2024)

Interior Chinatown is an upcoming American television series created by Charles Yu, based on his novel of the same name. The series stars Jimmy O. Yang as a struggling actor in Chinatown who suddenly finds himself in the spotlight after witnessing a crime. Produced by 20th Television, Interior Chinatown is set to premiere on Hulu on November 19, 2024.

The story follows an Asian-American actor fighting against typical roles and stereotypes in both his work and personal life.

Where was Interior Chinatown Filmed
Where was Interior Chinatown Filmed

When Did the Filming of Interior Chinatown Take Place?

Filming for Interior Chinatown started on January 6, 2023. The main shooting took place through February 2023. The production finished before August 2023.

Where was Interior Chinatown Filmed?

Interior Chinatown was filmed in several places. The main shooting happened in Chinatown, Los Angeles. Some scenes were also filmed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and different locations in New Zealand. These various settings helped create a unique background for the series.

Los Angeles, California, USA

Interior Chinatown Filming Locations, Los Angeles, California, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA

Los Angeles is the main location for Interior Chinatown. It is a lively city known for its entertainment industry, beautiful beaches, and diverse culture. With famous spots like the Hollywood Sign and Santa Monica Pier, LA has a mix of city excitement and a relaxed lifestyle.

Chinatown, Los Angeles, California

Interior Chinatown Filming Locations, Chinatown, Los Angeles, California
Chinatown, Los Angeles, California

Chinatown is a neighborhood in Los Angeles. A talented filming crew shot both the inside and outside scenes for the series here. They filmed many restaurant scenes in this vibrant area, which helped show its unique culture. Their hard work made the setting feel real and added depth to the story.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Interior Chinatown Filming Locations, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Toronto is another filming location for Interior Chinatown. It is Canada’s largest city and is known for its multicultural community, tall buildings, and lively arts scene. With landmarks like the CN Tower and Casa Loma, Toronto offers a variety of attractions for both visitors and locals.

New Zealand

The filming team also went to New Zealand to capture some scenes for the series. New Zealand is a beautiful island nation in the southwestern Pacific Ocean.

Interior Chinatown Filming Locations, New Zealand
New Zealand

Known for its stunning nature, including snow-capped mountains, clear beaches, and green forests, New Zealand is a favorite spot for outdoor lovers and adventure seekers. The country also has a rich Maori culture with unique traditions and customs.

Interior Chinatown | Official Trailer | Disney+

Frequently Asked Questions-

Q: Where did Interior Chinatown take place?
A: Interior Chinatown was filmed in several locations, mainly in Chinatown, Los Angeles, with extra scenes shot in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and various spots in New Zealand.

Q: When did Interior Chinatown premiere?
A: Interior Chinatown is set to premiere on Hulu on November 19, 2024.

Q: Who stars in Interior Chinatown?
A: The series stars Jimmy O. Yang as the main character, along with other notable cast members.

Q: When Did Interior Chinatown Start Filming?
A: Filming for Interior Chinatown began on January 6, 2023, and the main shooting wrapped up before August 2023.

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