Kinda Pregnant is a comedy film directed by Tyler Spindel and written by Julie Paiva. Starring Amy Schumer, Jillian Bell, Will Forte, Damon Wayans Jr., and Brianne Howey, the movie follows the hilarious and heartwarming story of Lainy, who fakes a pregnancy to cope with jealousy and ends up finding unexpected love.
The film is set to premiere on Netflix on February 5, 2025. Let’s explore where this comedic gem was brought to life.
Where Was Kinda Pregnant Filmed?
Kinda Pregnant was filmed in New York in early 2024.
Brooklyn, New York
The vibrant borough of Brooklyn served as a key filming location for Kinda Pregnant. Known for its lively streets and picturesque neighborhoods, Brooklyn provided a dynamic and relatable urban backdrop for Lainy’s comedic journey.
While Brooklyn was the primary focus, other locations across New York were used to capture the energy and diversity of the city, aligning perfectly with the film’s tone and storyline.
Official Trailer
Q: Where was Kinda Pregnant filmed?
A: The film was primarily filmed in Brooklyn, New York, with additional scenes captured in other parts of New York City.
Q: When Kinda Pregnant was filmed?
A: Filming began on February 26, 2024, in New York.
Q: When will Kinda Pregnant be released?
A: Kinda Pregnant will be released on Netflix on February 5, 2025.
Q: Who stars in Kinda Pregnant?
A: The film features a stellar cast including Amy Schumer, Jillian Bell, Will Forte, Damon Wayans Jr., Brianne Howey, and others.