Landman Filming Locations (2024)

Landman is an upcoming American drama series created by Taylor Sheridan, set to premiere on November 17, 2024, on Paramount+. The show is centered around the oil boom in West Texas, focusing on the lives of roughnecks and wildcat billionaires.  

The series stars Billy Bob Thornton as Tommy Norris, a crisis executive trying to navigate the oil industry and bring his company to the top.

Other notable cast members include Jon Hamm, Demi Moore, Ali Larter, Michelle Randolph, Jacob Lofland, Kayla Wallace, James Jordan, Mark Collie, Paulina Chávez, and Andy Garcia.  

Landman is expected to be a gritty and intense series that explores the highs and lows of the oil industry, as well as the impact it has on the people and the environment.

Landman Filming Locations
Landman Filming Locations

Where Was Landman Filmed?

The filming of Landman took place primarily in and around Fort Worth, Texas. Here are the key filming locations:

Fort Worth, Texas

Landman Filming Locations
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth serves as the central backdrop for Landman. The city’s unique blend of modern and traditional Texas culture provides an authentic setting for the story.

Filming in Fort Worth allows the series to capture the essence of life in a bustling oil town, reflecting both the excitement of the boom and the challenges it brings.

American Association of Professional Landmen Headquarters

Landman Filming Locations
American Association of Professional Landmen Headquarters

The headquarters of the American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL) was used as a filming location for the series. This organization represents land professionals involved in the oil and gas industry, making it a fitting location that aligns with the show’s themes of land management and resource extraction.

Fort Worth Petroleum Club

Landman Filming Locations
Fort Worth Petroleum Club

The Fort Worth Petroleum Club is another significant filming location for Landman. This private club serves as a hub for professionals in the oil and gas sector, making it an ideal setting to depict the high-stakes world of energy and finance.

Texas Christian University

Landman Filming Locations
Texas Christian University

Texas Christian University (TCU) also served as one of the filming locations. The campus provided a vibrant atmosphere that helped illustrate the academic and professional landscape surrounding the oil industry in Texas.

When Did the Filming of Landman Take Place?

Filming for Landman began on February 6, 2024, and concluded on June 23, 2024. This timeline allowed the cast and crew to capture various seasonal elements in Texas, contributing to the series’ authenticity.

The filming locations in Fort Worth and surrounding areas bring Landman to life, offering a glimpse into the dynamic world of oil and its impact on individuals and communities.

Official Trailer

Landman | Official Trailer 2 | Paramount+

Frequently Asked Questions-

Q: What is Landman about?
A: Landman is a drama series set in West Texas that explores the oil industry, focusing on the lives of roughnecks and wildcat billionaires. It examines how the oil boom is reshaping climate, economy, and geopolitics, reflecting the complex dynamics of this high-stakes environment.

Q: When does Landman premiere?
A: Landman is set to premiere on November 17, 2024, on Paramount+.

Q: Who created Landman?
A: The series was created by Taylor Sheridan and Christian Wallace, based on Wallace’s podcast Boomtown.

Q: Where was Landman filmed?
A: Filming took place primarily in and around Fort Worth, Texas.

Q: When did filming for Landman occur?
A: Filming for Landman started on February 6, 2024, and concluded on June 23, 2024.

Q: Is Landman based on a true story?
A: While Landman is inspired by real events in the oil industry, it is a fictional narrative that explores themes and situations relevant to the current landscape of energy production and its impacts.

Q: How many episodes will Landman have?
A: Landman will have ten episodes in season one.

Q: Who stars in Landman?
A: The cast details for Landman have not been fully released, but Taylor Sheridan is known for assembling strong ensembles in his previous projects.

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