Palm Royale Filming Locations (2024)

Palm Royale is a period comedy-drama series created by Abe Sylvia, based on the 2018 novel Mr. & Mrs. American Pie by Juliet McDaniel. Set in 1969, the series follows Maxine Berkowitz (played by Kristen Wiig) as she tries to break into the elite high society of Palm Beach, Florida, no matter the cost. With a star-studded cast and stylish production design, the show premiered on Apple TV+ on March 20, 2024, and was renewed for a second season in June 2024.

Where Was Palm Royale Filmed?

While the story takes place in glamorous Palm Beach, Florida, much of the filming happened in California. The production team used several iconic locations to create the luxurious world of Palm Royale.

Bath & Tennis Club, Palm Beach, Florida

Palm Royale Filming Locations (2024)
Bath & Tennis Club, Palm Beach, Florida
  • Aerial shots of the Bath & Tennis Club in Palm Beach were used to depict the fictional “Palm Royale” country club.
  • The Bath & Tennis Club, designed by architect Joseph Urban in 1926, is a historic and exclusive property. It was rebuilt by John L. Volk after hurricane damage in 1947.

Bel-Air Bay Club, Los Angeles, California

Palm Royale Filming Locations (2024)
Bel-Air Bay Club, Los Angeles, California (Image: Apple TV+/Palm Royale)
  • The entrance to the fictional Palm Royale country club was filmed at the Bel-Air Bay Club.
  • Built in 1927, this Spanish-style mansion features sweeping ocean views, a grand lawn, and an enchanting courtyard. It has appeared in shows like This Is Us and NCIS: Los Angeles.

Villa Coxxy, South Pasadena, California

  • Palm Royale Filming Locations (2024)Palm Royale Filming Locations (2024)
  • Palm Royale Filming Locations (2024)
  • Norma Dellacorte’s luxurious mansion was filmed at this villa, designed by Reginald D. Johnson in the style of Florentine palaces.
  • The property has vibrant interiors with Renaissance-inspired furniture, vast gardens, a pool, and a jacuzzi. It is a popular location for film and photography projects.

Il Sogno, Bel-Air, California

Palm Royale Filming Locations (2024)
Il Sogno, Bel-Air, California (Image: Apple TV+/Palm Royale)
  • The Rollins estate scenes were filmed at this Italian villa once owned by actress Yvette Mimieux.
  • Built in 1928, the mansion features frescoed ceilings, a ballroom, and a library. Items from the home’s 2022 estate sale were used as props in the series.

The Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida

Palm Royale Filming Locations (2024)
The Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida (Image: Apple TV+/Palm Royale)
  • The Breakers, a legendary luxury resort, provided a backdrop for several glamorous scenes.
  • Known for its Italian Renaissance architecture and oceanfront views, the resort perfectly captures the high-society charm of the show.

Henry Morrison Flagler Museum, Palm Beach, Florida

Palm Royale Filming Locations (2024)
Henry Morrison Flagler Museum, Palm Beach, Florida (Image: Apple TV+/Palm Royale)
  • This Gilded Age mansion, once the winter home of oil tycoon Henry Flagler, was featured in several elegant scenes.
  • With marble floors, chandeliers, and grand columns, the museum highlights the luxurious lifestyle of the 1960s.

Bethesda-by-the-Sea, Palm Beach, Florida

Palm Royale Filming Locations (2024)
Bethesda-by-the-Sea, Palm Beach, Florida (Image: palmbeachdailynews)
  • This historic Episcopal church provided a serene and majestic setting for some scenes.
  • Known for its Gothic Revival architecture and peaceful gardens, it adds timeless elegance to the series.

Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles

Palm Royale Filming Locations (2024)
Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles (Image: Apple TV+/Palm Royale)

The Havana party scenes in Palm Royale were filmed at the iconic Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. Initially, an outdoor location in Beverly Hills was considered but was deemed too unpredictable. Instead, the production team chose one of the grand ballrooms at the Biltmore. To create the perfect ambiance, they built a custom swimming pool featuring a curved bridge, adding dramatic visual flair to the scene. Filming for this lavish sequence took place over four days, bringing the glamour of 1969 to life.

Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, Florida

  • This iconic shopping street appears in scenes showcasing luxury boutiques and exclusive events.
  • Worth Avenue’s Mediterranean-inspired architecture and history as a playground for the rich and famous make it a perfect setting.

Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida

  • Though not open to the public, the Mar-a-Lago estate was used as an inspiration for scenes showcasing opulence.
  • Originally built in the 1920s, its grand architecture and manicured gardens fit perfectly with the show’s high-society themes.

When Did the Filming of Palm Royale Take Place?

Filming for the first season began in May 2022. The show was originally titled Mr. & Mrs. American Pie but was renamed Palm Royale in April 2023. Filming for the second season started on October 9, 2024.

Official Trailer

Palm Royale — Official Trailer | Apple TV+


Q: What is Palm Royale about?
A: The series follows Maxine Berkowitz, who is determined to join Palm Beach high society in 1969, even if it means sacrificing her values.

Q: Where was Palm Royale filmed?
A: The show was primarily filmed in California, with aerial shots of locations in Palm Beach, Florida, including the Bath & Tennis Club. Other key filming spots included the Bel-Air Bay Club, Villa Coxxy, and Il Sogno in California.

Q: When did filming take place?
A: Filming for the first season began in May 2022, and production for the second season started on October 9, 2024.

Q: Where can I watch Palm Royale?
A: The series is available on Apple TV+.

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