
Welcome to 4Filming! By using our website, you agree to the following terms. Please take a moment to read them.

1. Agreement to Terms

When you access or use 4Filming (the “Site”), you agree to follow these Terms of Service and any relevant laws. If you don’t agree with these terms, please don’t use the Site.

2. Limited License

You can temporarily download one copy of the content on 4Filming’s website for personal, non-commercial use only. This permission doesn’t mean you own the content. Under this license, you cannot:

  • Change or copy the content.
  • Use the content for commercial purposes or public displays.
  • Try to reverse-engineer any software on the Site.
  • Remove any copyright or other notices.
  • Share the content with others or upload it to another site.

This license ends automatically if you break any of these rules, and 4Filming can also end it at any time. When the license ends, you need to delete any downloaded content.

3. Disclaimer

The content on 4Filming’s website is provided “as is.” 4Filming doesn’t make any promises about the content, including that it’s accurate or reliable. We don’t offer any guarantees, whether express or implied, and we’re not responsible for any issues that might arise from using the Site.

4. Limitation of Liability

4Filming and its partners won’t be responsible for any damages, including lost data or profits, that result from using the Site. This applies even if 4Filming has been warned that such damages might occur. Some areas don’t allow limits on implied warranties or damages, so these limits might not apply to you.

5. Changes and Errors

The content on 4Filming’s website may have mistakes or be out of date. We might update or change the content at any time without letting you know, but we aren’t required to keep the content updated.

6. Links to Other Sites

We haven’t checked out all the websites linked on 4Filming and aren’t responsible for their content. Just because we link to another site doesn’t mean we support it. If you visit a linked site, you do so at your own risk.

7. Changes to Terms

We can update these Terms of Service at any time without notice. By continuing to use 4Filming, you agree to follow the latest version of these terms.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, feel free to contact us at terms@4filming.com.

Thanks for visiting 4Filming!