The Carpenter, directed by Garrett Batty, tells the story of Oren, a Viking orphan who finds his purpose in life as a carpenter’s apprentice to Jesus.
While learning the trade, Oren also hones his skills as a fighter, drawing life-changing insights from his work and mentorship. The film’s unique storyline is beautifully complemented by its carefully chosen filming locations, which bring the historical setting to life.

Where Was The Carpenter Filmed?
The Carpenter was primarily filmed in 2022 in Cape Town, Western Province, South Africa. Brooklyn and Durbanville in Cape Town were the main locations.

Cape Town, a vibrant city nestled on the southwestern tip of South Africa, provided the perfect backdrop for the filming of The Carpenter. The city’s rich history and multicultural influence further added depth to the film’s setting.

A significant portion of the filming was conducted in an old set in Durbanville, Western Cape. This historic location, with its weathered charm and unique architectural features, lent an authentic and atmospheric quality to the scenes. The set’s character and history undoubtedly contributed to the overall cinematic experience of The Carpenter, immersing the audience in the film’s world.
When Did the Filming of The Carpenter (2023) Take Place?
The exact dates for the filming of The Carpenter haven’t been disclosed, but the production took place in 2022. The selection of Western Cape, South Africa, offered ideal weather and consistent conditions, which helped streamline the production schedule.

The Carpenter Behind the Scenes
Director Garrett Batty has offered fans a unique glimpse into the filmmaking process of The Carpenter through his Instagram posts.
In one post he wrote, “his weathered old set has become a sacred space. Throughout the day, there were moments when we were blocking scenes and could barely hear the dialogue due to the pouring rain. But once we rolled, the rain would let up enough to allow us to get our shots. This miracle occurred repeatedly, and was recognized by our crew.
I feel that God has His hand in each of our lives. What is important to us is important to Him, even so much that He will calm the storm in our moments of need.”
In another post, Farrett wrote, “Visualize then execute. Taking a moment to mentally and spiritually prepare for shoot day 19.”
Official Trailer
Frequently Asked Questions-
Q: What is The Carpenter (2023) about?
A: The Carpenter follows Oren, a Viking orphan adopted into a new life where he becomes a carpenter’s apprentice to Jesus. Alongside his work as a carpenter, Oren also trains as a fighter, and through his experiences, he grows both in skill and understanding.
Q: Where was The Carpenter filmed?
A: The film was shot in the Western Cape region of South Africa, known for its diverse and dramatic landscapes that bring the film’s historical setting to life.
Q: Who directed The Carpenter?
A: Garrett Batty directed The Carpenter, co-writing the script with Kameron Krebs and Kenny Krebs.
Q: When is Lost on a Mountain in Maine releasing?
A: The Carpenter is scheduled for release in the United States on November 1, 2024.